You can manage several imprints from one account. To group titles for imprints, head to the section Titles in your account. Browse to Manage Title Groups in the section View and Edit. Once in there click the Create New Group-Button and add name and description. Check Public to show the group on your rights portal. You can also upload an image and logo for each group.
Please note the specifications for these are:
Maximum size 3 MB, jpg/jpeg or png, group image 1252x220 px, logo 200x200px.
To change information of an existing group, go to Manage Title Groups and click Edit on the right side of each group. To add titles to a Title Group choose titles in the My Books section by checking the little box in the botton right corner of each title. Choose Add to Group in the new pop-up window or at the top of the page.
You can also have a look at the How to Video on Managing Title Groups on the left side of your Dashboard.
For further information please see: How do I edit and manage my titles?