For you as a seller, it may be annoying if a request cannot be processed further for a long time because the licensee stops and neither accepts nor rejects the offer. To free your queue from such "silent" requests, it is possible for you to reprocess and reject a request after 60 days of inactivity, even if it was originally accepted.
You can do this, as a seller, via Offers - Permissions Sales.
Please go to the "Awaiting Reply" tab in the overview of your Permission Sales and click on the red Order-ID button of the respective transaction. In the pop-up window with the offer details, you will now also see a "Decline" button at the bottom. If you select this, the licensee will be notified by email that the license request has been rejected and the request will be moved to the "Rejected/Cancelled" tab in your overview.
The process is logged in the respective offer history. The licensee can, of course, submit a new request again if necessary.