General Information for Buyers
- Can I cancel a permission license?
- Can I cancel a rights license?
- Can I change my username?
- Can I read a manuscript?
- How can I change my password?
- How can I change my username?
- How can I change or reset my password?
- How can I send a message to a member?
- How do I adjust my email notifications?
- How do I change my address?
- How do I change my billing address?
- How do I change my email notifications?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I save a book for later?
- How do I save a book in my Reading List?
- How do I unsubscribe from the weekly "Recommended Content" e-mails?
- How do I view a manuscript?
- How do I view my account details?
- How do I view my messages?
- I can't login to my account. What can I do?
- What is a Buyer Membership?
- What is included in a Buyer Membership and how does it benefit me?
- What is my Dashboard?
- What is my username and password?
- Where can I find my username and password?
- Why can't I login to my account?