How can I edit or update my titles?
To edit your titles head to your dashboard and click on Titles in the menu. Click on My Books in the section View and Edit. Navigate to the title you would like to edit, then click on Edit in the bottom right corner of the title. Here you can see and edit all information regarding this title.
If you want to update your titles in bulk, just upload a spreadsheet with the most recent information. Where you have made changes in the excel sheet to what is already the platform, the title information will be overwritten by what the excel sheet contains, based on the ISBN. If the excel contains ISBN that are not yet registered in the system it will create a new title within your account.
How do I create a new Title Group? How can I add a title to a Title Group?
To create or manage a title group for your imprints or in-house categories, head to Manage Title Groups via the Manage Your Titles-Section in Titles. Then click the Create New Group-Button and add all the information needed. Make sure to activate the toggle so this group is Public. To change information, click Edit to the right of each group.
To add titles to a Title Group, choose titles in the My Books-Section by checking the little box in the bottom right corner of each title or select all on page. Choose Add to Group in the new popped up window or at the top of the page and select the appropriate group.
How can I hide or unhide titles?
To hide or unhide a title of your choice simply head to My Books, either by clicking the book icon in the top right hand corner or via the Manage Titles-Section in My Account. Once in My Books, navigate to the title you would like to update, then click the Live/Offline-Button on the bottom of the title section.
How can I remove titles from the system?
Please note that you will not be able to re-upload titles that you are removing from the system.
To remove one of your titles from the system head once again to the My Books-Section. Choose the titles you want to delete by clicking the little boxes in the bottom right corner of each title. Choose Delete Title from System in the new popped up window or at the top of the page.
You can also have a look at the How to Videos on Managing your Titles, Managing Title Groups and Edit Individual Title on the left side of your Dashboard.