What is the maximum file size limit? Is there a limit to the number of uploaded documents?
Maximum file size is 30MB. File names should be the Title Identifier (ISBN/ISSN) of the record. Upload up to 1000 supporting infos at a time. Supporting information must be in PDF-Format and titled with the ISBN-13, ISBN-10 or ISSN number, for example 9780000000001.pdf.
What documents will be displayed on my basic profile and available to buyers & sellers?
Uploading manuscripts and content happens on a title by title basis. You can choose which supporting information is displayed on your basic profile and available to buyers and sellers. In order to upload content, visit the title via My Books on your dashboard and click Edit. On the left hand sidebar, there are three options. For the Content Sample and Supporting Information, we only accept PDF-Formats. For the Manuscript you are able to also upload .doc and .docx files. Clicking on Choose file allows you to upload a file from your computer.